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X-Ray Inspection

For designs including BGA Assembly, as well as QFN or other lead-less package types, connections to the PCB are formed beneath the body of the components themselves. As such, visual and AOI testing are not sufficient to verify a robust assembly, and Bittele must employ X-Ray inspection in order to meet quality assurance guidelines. Bittele added 3D Automatic X-Ray Inspection (AXI) as a verification technique in early 2016, and this service is now included by default on any Bittele quotations including the assembly of lead-less packages, such as those mentioned above.
Not only does X-Ray inspection detect issues in PCB assembly, but the analysis of an X-Ray image can help to determine the root cause of a given defect, such as insufficient solder paste, skewed part placement, or improper reflow soldering profile. This technique contributes greatly to Bittele’s Quality Management strategy for complex components.
Since X-Ray Inspection is included by default on all quotations requiring lead-less package assembly, clients need only include the lead-less parts on their Bill of Materials when they submit a PCB Assembly project for quoting. To be sure that a particular part will be subjected to this testing, a note can be added to the relevant BOM row, or clients can mention this requirement to their Bittele account manager.
For any further questions regarding X-Ray Inspection, feel free to reach out to sales@7pcb.com.