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North American vs. Chinese Manufacturing

Bittele electronics, whose headquarters are in Toronto, Canada has approached the competitive manufacturing industry by providing advantages from both North American and Asian manufacturing processes. Bittele provides customer service out of its Toronto office while manufacturing side of the business takes place in China. This eliminates the language and time zone issues for customers. It gives customer someone to speak with and help mitigate any issues that may arise from manufacturing. Parts procurement also takes place in Canada, to eliminate the risks of counterfeit parts. Having manufacturing in China ensures customers have the flexibilities and affordable prices that can help companies or individual reduce expenses.

Bittele Electronics is certified by ISO for manufacturing standard, and as such our customers can rest assured their order includes the highest level of quality and reliability. The pros and cons of doing business with China are often worth the risk, but you can reduce those risks by partnering with companies such as Bittele electronics. If your business could benefit from lower manufacturing costs, Chinese manufacturing companies might be the single best move your company could ever make. Find a quality supplier established in China with real factories to get the most out of your business and improve your bottom line.

bittele's communication

For electronic-based companies or individuals whom are a start-up or established, it is important to find a manufacturing partner that can provide them with the highest level of quality, quick lead-times, excellent service, strong capabilities, as well as cost savings. The debate on North American manufacturing versus Chinese manufacturing has been raging since the early 2000’s when companies started to rely more and more on outsourcing and moving manufacturing base to China. Many research papers and business articles have covered the benefits and failure of both North American and Chinese manufacturing. Over the years, both manufacturing powerhouses have taken strides to move forward and grow. The North American Manufacturing industry has used their quality and speed to market as the source of advantage, but they are still hindered by cost and capabilities.

Chinese manufacturing industry has the advantage of minimal cost and much greater capabilities, where they lack however is quality and speed to market. So, the question becomes, can the North American manufacturing industry bring down its cost while increasing production, options, and service quality? Can the Chinese manufacturing industry increase its product quality, speed up delivery and shipping, and still provide amazingly low prices? This is an important piece to consider in the very competitive world of electronics as manufacturing products with speed, quality and flexibility are vital to any electronic project or product.

north america vs china
north america vs china

In North America, we enjoy great protection to our environment, adequate income, safety, and overall health. That protection, however, comes at a cost to the manufacturing industry. Manufacturing in North America comes with paying North American wages and benefits. Other issues that have affected North American companies is lack skilled labor and investments into manufacturing industry.

Another great advantage for North American manufacturers is language and time zone differences. While the lack of manufactures in North America can be difficult to deal with but when you find one, neither language nor time zone will be a barrier to your communication. What will be a barrier, however, is the limited supplies, expensive parts, minimum orders, and manufacturing flexibilities.

Chinese manufacturing industry had previously given great attention to optimizing manufacturing steps and increasing its skilled labor force. This gave the industry a competitive advantage when it comes to cost, labor, production, and flexibilities given the many manufacturing bases available. Chinese manufacturing industry is the largest in the world, and as such, they enjoy cheap parts, extensive experience, and many manufacturers ready for your business. Over the past decade, the Chinese manufacturing industry has turned its focus on quality and service.

The steep increase in quality of final products coming out of China is evident, as well as great improvements in delivery and shipping with express shipping methods. Many manufacturers have also taken steps to be recognized by international accreditation bodies such as the ISO to ensure customers of the quality of there products. Whether your looking duplications, variety at quantity or cost-saving measures, manufacturing in China could be of great benefit to anyone. While Chinese Manufacturing industry growth and improvement are very impressive, it is still faced with issues such as language barrier, Time zone differences, scams, and at times quality control.

Fortunately, companies and individual can do business with manufacturers like Bittele electronics who stride to meet the highest manufacturing quality standards, competitive lead-time, and the cost savings of Chinese manufacturing. Customers communicate with North American based customer service and technical staff, which reduce errors or miscommunication that may occur due to language barriers. This provides businesses the opportunity to take advantage of the best of both worlds.

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