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Printed Circuit Board (PCB) First Article Assembly
Bittele Electronics offers printed circuit board (PCB) first article assembly at the most reasonable price, compared to any other turnkey PCB Assembly house. The most significant step for successful layout designing of the PCB is the first article approval of a circuit board by the client. The approved first article circuit board resolves most of the queries pertaining to fabrication, PCB assembling and its testing. We provide first article assembly for different technology boards.
We have engaged our expert team to cater to the customer needs for varied technologies; for example, we have the ability to handle extra-large through-hole circuit boards, as well as surface-mount and mixed-technology PCBs. We offer superior quality, along with fast response for any PCB assembly related queries. On final decision of a technology, further cost can be decided with us.
So as to benefit the customers, Bittele’s first article assembly service offers the most suitable cost structure for reducing prototyping costs. Our staff puts their extensive knowledge to use in serving every client by giving necessary ideas and suggestions on design to improve the manufacturing process as an additional way to reduce costs and proceed for placement of order.
We, as the most efficient turnkey PCB assembly house, accept orders through various channels; orders can be placed via email, on telephone, or through our respective website with a specific detail for first article assembly. Furthermore, the instant online quote tool for PCB assembly can be used to get an idea of the pricing for PCB assembly, and get information pertaining to inspection methods adopted.
The first article circuit board assembly process is the significant step. Even a small error in assembly machine setup will lead to multiplication of errors in all circuit boards of current work order. Hence the use of stringent quality inspection techniques plays a pivotal role to get the required first article assembled. Our engineers are well trained to get the PCB on a test bench along with evidence of concept validation. Our inspection monitoring team recurrently supervises the PCB assembly process with demonstrated methods for statistical process control. We use modern techniques such as X-Ray inspection for Leadless & BGA components to check the joint soldering. Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI) is used for verification of solder joints, component placement and orientation, etc. If you need any added information regarding quality methods and shipping charges, you can send an email to our sales team at sales@7pcb.com.
Unlike other printed circuit board assemblers, we do not burden our clients with any additional charges. This is demonstrated by the fact that we do not charge any extra prices for quick shipping of first assembled PCBs in addition to modification of services.
We avoid charging additional costs for any modification of services for the remaining printed circuit board assembly. Once the customer receives first article PCB assembly boards, it is required to test the boards and inform us about any changes required by preferred communication method. The modifications are done with no additional costs for programming or set-up for printed circuit board assembly. Different means of communication can be used for further coordination, and you can also contact us for online quote queries.
For effective end delivery, we coordinate with our customers through various channels by means of our specialized team. We can arrange an online teleconference with the client for reviewing the circuit board assembled and discuss the probable changes with respect to Design for Manufacturability (DFM). We also use other communication methods to discuss any assembling issues along with meeting the specific requirements of our clients.
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