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PCB Panelization at Bittele
Most of the time, clients of Bittele Electronics don’t need to worry about the panelization and depanelization of their PCBs. When you send us your design for a single board, we handle panelization for PCB Fabrication internally, and separate the boards for your before we ship them out.
That being said, we understand that some clients prefer to receive their PCBs in a panel for testing purposes, and as such you might have a specific panel format in mind. If that’s the case, we can certainly work with you on that. Let’s take a look at what Bittele needs from you in order to produce your panels exactly to your specifications.
First of all, we would still prefer to see Gerber files for your individual board.
This makes it easier to quote out your project and get an idea of how we’ll need to adapt our PCB Assembly Process, and it's just easier to look at when we do our DFM Validation. For the specifications of the larger panel, you can send us a separate set of Gerbers, or simply include a fabrication drawing with your PCB Design Files. It’s also always helpful to briefly mention panelization requirements in your initial email when you get in touch with us for a quote, so we know to take a look at your panel specifications right away.
It’s also helpful if you specify whether you would prefer Tab Routing or V-Scoring for the depanelization of your boards. If you don’t note your selection between these options, we normally choose Tab Routing by default.
When you receive your official quote from Bittele, the quantity listed there will likely refer to the number of individual boards, after separation, rather than the number of panels. If your quantity is for some reason referring to the number of panels, this should be clearly listed in the Special Requirements section of the quote. The “Quantity” field will also note “pnls”, instead of “pcs”.
If you find yourself with any further questions about the panelization of your project, please never hesitate to Contact Us for help any time. Our PCB Customer Service Experts are standing by.
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