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Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Soldering Services in China
Bittele Electronics effectively functions to offer printed circuit board (PCB) soldering services in China. Most of the buyers who wish to have quality soldering services with competitive prices can contact us for their requirements. We cater to majority of the specifications through our own soldering plant in China.
Regardless, other electronic contract manufacturers, we possess own production facility in Shenzhen, China to offer effective soldering services as per your necessity. We have engaged experienced staff of 110 employees to undertake soldering of circuit board for different type of technologies.
We function with the use of latest technology to benefit our buyers. We can solder surface mount, through-hole and mixed technology (surface mount and through-hole) boards along with 2 sided surface mount and through-hole soldering. We deem to satisfy all our customer needs. Hence we have engaged trained staff that is well-competent of soldering single and double sided placement of all required kinds of parts as per the mentioned specifications.
Furthermore, we can conveniently solder 0201 size or larger parts, fine pitch parts (pitch up to 8mils), leadless parts, BGAs, micro BGAs, QFNs, high density pin-out connectors etc. for multiple volume requirements. Though quantity is never a constraint for us, still we can offer circuit board soldering services for low to mid volume. Additionally we also provide lead-free circuit board soldering as per your terms.
We offer lead free soldering process as per the necessity. We have employed experienced personnel and created two additional production lines specially for giving this service. We follow exceptional soldering processes in accordance to RoHS PCB soldering prescribed guidelines and use modern techniques for quality inspection.
With the intention to deliver superior quality circuit board soldering, the adequate testing procedures are followed by our workforce in China. We use modern techniques such as X-Ray inspection for BGAs and Leadless components to confirm the joint soldering. Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) is used for verification of component offset, component polarity, solder joints, soldering bridges, etc. Furthermore, the soldering service prices can be received from our sales team.
We have provided the PCB assembly Quote generator on our website for quick estimation of prices. The approximate quote can be obtained by choosing some options at once. Furthermore, we give official quote including shipping cost within 1 business day on receipt of basic details such as BOM, Gerber files and board quantity from our customers on our official email address sales@7pcb.com.
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