Full Turn-Key PCB Manufacturer
You can quickly get quotes and order PCB fabrication and assembly using our online system. Take advantage of exclusive automatic discounts with our tool. Our BOM pricing tool ensures you receive the lowest price for your order.
Preliminary PCB Pricing If Your PCB Designs Are Unfinished
At Bittele Electronics, we understand how important it can be to receive a quote as soon as possible to help facilitate decisions regarding your project. Sometimes your Gerber files are just not complete yet, but a rough estimate of the pricing is what you need to make those final decisions regarding your layout or what component(s) you want to go with. If you’re looking for something that is more substantial than our online PCB quotation tool, or online assembly quotation tool, simply send a request for quotation to the address: sales@7pcb.com. A sales representative will help you get the information you need to proceed with your project.
There are a few things that are needed in order to receive a preliminary quote. The more information you are able to provide, the more accurate your preliminary quote will be. These include:
- Quantity(s) of boards to be quoted
- PCB dimensions
- Company location
- Approximate total cost of components (for turnkey)
- Material (default FR4 TG140)
- Total number of SMT pads (for example, one SMT resister = 2 pads)
- Total number of through holes (for example, one through-hole resister = 2 holes)
- Total number of components
- Smallest size component (0201, 0402, etc...)
- Single / Double sided SMT assembly
- Via in pad? (Yes or No)
- Does the design use Blind or Buried Via?
- Impedance control needed? (Yes or No)
- Copper weight
- Project name
Once all of the following information has been provided, your account manager will be able to generate a quote similar to if you had sent your completed files. From there, you will be able to work with your account manager to adjust whatever it is you need to make the quote just right.
It is important to note that preliminary quotes are not replacements for official quotes. Bittele Electronics cannot make any commitment to pricing until the Gerber files and BOM have been evaluated. Once you are satisfied, you will still be required to send your Gerber files in RS-274x format for an official quote to be made.
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