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Printed circuit board (PCB) design houses in Canada
Bittele Electronics has established itself as one of the renowned PCB layout design house in Canada. Existence of Printed circuit board (PCB) design houses in Canada is quite sparse as it requires skilled layout designers and the availability of them is quite expensive in Canada hence most of them do not desire to offer these services. However to meet these exclusive needs we are located in Toronto.
Geographically Toronto, Ottawa in Ontario has become most demanded places for layout designing as it enables an easy access for most of the circuit board designing houses. These places are rich in highly skilled design engineers and modern technology with state of art tools which has enabled us to improve the required competences and capabilities of our PCB design house to complete the customer specific deadlines.
The innumerable capabilities are listed on our respective company website which could begin by designing many types of PCB boards i.e. Single-sided, Double-sided, Multiple layer, Rigid and Flexible circuit board technologies, mixed components Through-hole and Surface mount, etc. We also give explicit considerations for impedance and capacitance control, signal integrity, routing topology, RF Design, etc. Furthermore we are capable of producing industry standard files i.e. Bill of Material (BOM), Fabrication drawings, Assembly drawings, etc. basis the design file received from customers.
Generally, we prefer to commence designing with a net-list exported from the schematic capture. Our team most of the times requires precise schematic to develop superior PCB design flow. Basic criteria for an error free PCB design job is a requirement of neat, logical and clearly laid out schematic. The schematic designs are expected in the form of ASCII net-list, Hand drawing schematic or schematic design PDF via email to sales team at sales@7pcb.com to further proceed with layout. Additionally you can contact us and communicate the extra details regarding number of notes, components and their orientation etc. to our representatives.
Most of the staff of the layout designing company’s in Canada, converse and co-ordinate in English for designs related queries. However we use different ways of communication in Canada to explain the customers any designing issues. The modes of communication in normal use are online conferencing, e-mail and phone. In addition, we have specifically employed the representatives speaking in French so to ensure smooth resolving of queries and to facilitate the further discussion regarding the cost of circuit board layout.
Bittele prices of circuit board design in Canada can be explained through this illustration: Number of components 30, Number of nets 45, Number of nodes 16, PCB Size 2.87 inch x 2.12 inch, Double Side Board. PCB Design Cost is $ 1000 for 5 days Turn time. Also the additional information regarding prices can be received from our PCB design Online quote calculator tool. We also have Online order tracking mechanism where customer can check the status of their order along with accepting different modes of payment. We accept multiple payment methods to facilitate our clients. Some of the payment alternatives provided by us are credit card, debit card, paypal, etc.
Bittele Electronics offers Design for Test and Design for manufacturing for circuit board design services. We have dedicated library development team for designing. Additionally we are well versed to import AutoCAD drawings for capturing mechanical constraints along with exporting mechanical data. Bittele has a specialized team to resolve customer queries related to physical layout, fabrication factors so as to reduce the cost at an early design stage.
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