Full Turn-Key PCB Manufacturer
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How Does Bittele Review BOM and Gerber Files?
Bittele Electronics has capable engineers to meet the technical needs and produce quality products for our customers. We only need your requisite bill of materials (BOM) and Gerber files to review and we will meet your needs. Our experienced team will always review your bill of materials and circuit board Gerber files prior to production. We generally review the BOM to look for any discrepancies such as duplicate part numbers, mismatch between part number and description, and incomplete part numbers. Based upon the BOM, we will find authorized dealers for components and also their prices. We will communicate any BOM issues to you through a comment column in the BOM. Additionally, we check Gerber files to identify problems that may have occurred in the design process. Checking the Gerber files helps to locate missing solder pads, problems with the footprint, drill problems, drills outside the board or flipped, silk screen issues, etc.
All your files are required to be given to us in a specific format to expedite processing. We request you provide us the bill of material in the Microsoft Excel format with all the mandatory fields completed. An accurate BOM enables us to evaluate the requirements in a comprehensive manner to ensure effective processing. The bill of materials should have data with respect to item number, quantity, reference designator(s), manufacture’s component number, manufacture’s name, component description, and package type (if not listed in description).
You also need to submit Gerber files in a specific format. Gerber is a regular electronics industry file format that is used to interpret design details for manufacturing various types of circuit boards. This is different from an image file and must be exported by your CAD program. Each layer of a PCB requires its own gerber file, as well as a drill file for holes, thus it is best to group your files in a zip folder. We require Gerber files in RS-274X, RS-274D formats to proceed with the manufacturing process. This format is support by nearly all electronics CAD programs. In addition to Gerber, we accept ODB++ format. Our skilled staff also carefully reviews your Gerber files for manufacturability (DFM check).
As a diligent turnkey PCB assembly house, we perform a basic design for manufacturability check as per approved IPC guidelines. Early DFM verification enables us to find errors at the very beginning stage of the production process. We can then communicate the issue(s) and seek clarification or approval to proceed. We then develop a course of action for correcting the errors. This leads to superior quality and on time production services. You can conveniently coordinate with us for any related concerns.
If you have any further questions or concerns about our file requirements or DFM process you can ask them in our live chat feature or on our Contact Us page.
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