Full Turn-Key PCB Manufacturer
You can quickly get quotes and order PCB fabrication and assembly using our online system. Take advantage of exclusive automatic discounts with our tool. Our BOM pricing tool ensures you receive the lowest price for your order.
Acceptable File Formats
Bittele offers PCB Fabrication, PCB Assembly, Parts Procurement, or Full Turn-Key services. Our quality driven PCB assembly process and our Fabrication Capabilities ensures that your finished project is of the highest quality. This would not be possible without Bittele’s accurate file handling system. Bittele ensures your orders are processed in an organized and timely manner. File handling is essential for Bittele to process every type of order. As a result, Bittele has an online ordering system which supports a file handling scheme that guarantees correctness when fulfilling your order.
Of all the many types of files that are necessary for PCB Manufacturing and Assembly, Gerber files are probably one of the most relevant. Gerber files are essential to any PCB manufacturer because they provide the most relevant details of your board. Since PCB design is a complex process, it is important to highlight some tips that can help you avoid common mistakes. Additionally, it is important to consider that PCB design generally involves a large collection of files (in which Gerber files are included). See a list of the acceptable file formats our online ordering system supports down below:
Gerber files (RS-274X / RS274D) and ODB++ Files: Gerber files are a set of files containing information about each layer of the PCB to be used for production (copper layers - .GTL, .GBL-, solder mask - .GTS, .GBS-, silkscreen details - .GTO, .GBO-, solder paste - GBP, GTP-). This set of files also contains drill files (.DRR, .txt, etc.) and the board outline (.GKO). These files are usually grouped in a compressed folder.
Centroid file - Pick-N-Place.txt /XY Coordinate.txt file: This type of file contains information about where each component is placed on the board (coordinate position, rotation, layer, reference designator, and the value/package). These files are usually grouped in a compressed folder alongside the Gerber file.
Bill of Materials (BOM) - .xls, .xlsx: The BOM is a list of all the parts that will (and will not) be populated on the board. Here are our Sample BOM to download.
Special Requirements – “Read me”.txt, .pdf, .docx, .doc: This file lists any special requirements your project might have such as impedance control, gold fingers, copper weight, blind/buried via, thickness, etc. These files are usually grouped in a compressed folder alongside the Gerber file.
Assembly Drawings – PDF: This type of file contains a visual reference of the assembled board and/or a list of details involving your project assembly. These files are usually grouped in a compressed folder alongside the Gerber file.
Note: Our online ordering system will prompt you to upload your Gerber at a determined point. Make sure all your files are grouped in a compressed folder alongside the Gerber file.
If within our online ordering system, you would like to try our online parts procurement service, an excel format is needed (.xls, .xlsx). If you have all your files ready, we encourage you to start a quote using our online ordering system. Similarly, if you need any further assistance regarding acceptable file formats, please email sales@7pcb.com and one of our specialists will assist you shortly.
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