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Circuit Board Fabricator
Bittele Electronics is an industry-leading Circuit Board Fabricator, with wide-ranging capabilities, and a highly flexible service that can be customized to suit your specific needs. Since 2003, Bittele has been providing consistently high quality and affordable PCB Fabrication services for all types of clients. We can work with volumes from single-board Prototype runs through to Mid-Volume Production level service, and our engineering team works in tandem with our clients to make sure our process is optimized for your particular project.
We’re passionate about PCBs here at Bittele, and it is always exciting for us to work on any new product. As a world-class Circuit Board Fabricator, we understand that every project comes with its own unique challenges, from standard 2-layer boards to complex HDI PCBs and Impedance Controlled designs. We have the experience and dedication that is necessary for a Circuit Board Fabricator to deal with any and all PCB requirements, and we back up that experience with a rigorous Quality Management system to guarantee quality on every order. With multiple rounds of Visual Inspections, Cross-Sectioning, Sample Lot Inspections, and Electrical Testing via Flying Probe or Bed of Nails, your PCB is sure to be delivered in perfect working order every time.
Bittele has become the Circuit Board Fabricator of choice for so many clients because of our commitment to High Quality PCB Fabrication with a straightforward, efficient, low turn-time, and low-cost methodology. As a part of this commitment, we offer our clients a variety of PCB Options at a Standard Price, including PCB Material selection, Solder Mask treatment, and Multi-Layer Stackup customization. With Bittele as your Circuit Board Fabricator, you can rest assured that your project is in good hands, and that we will keep you involved throughout the entire process.
Let us handle your next project, and we know you will choose Bittele as your default Circuit Board Fabricator for all of your future needs. If you find yourself with any further questions about our capabilities, or if you have a project to get started with Bittele, you can Contact Us any time. Send your questions or PCB Design Files along to sales@7pcb.com to receive an official quotation, or call us toll-free at 1-888-812-1949 to get started today!
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